Take Me Back


Canyon de Chelly
Canyon de Chelly


Take me back to the land of the ancients where time stands still. I can grow old and die, but my spirit needs to be here where the ancients once roamed as free as the dust.

The earth was born here and the earth will die here. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the wind carries my spirit to places I have once been.

Take me back to the land of the ancients where the spirits of all who have gone before me blow gently by. Each of them know me, they will carry me, they will show me the way, they will comfort you, just get me back to the land of mountains and sky and air that is clear.

Take me back to the land of the ancients where the earth is used wisely for every need, food, shelter and a place to rest. The sky is jeweled in colors unimaginable, the rivers and gorges and mountains all meet to dance upon the earth happily.

Let me rest eternally in the land of the ancients who will care for me forever.

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