Confessions of a Zuma Addict


Ok…I’m a relatively intelligent, professional woman, getting up in years (ha!) and I’m just figuring out I have a gaming addiction!

It would be better for me financially if, instead of the sound of exploding balls, and firey frogs, I could hear the sound of quarters clinking out of a slot in my computer!

Each day as the afternoon wears on and my work day is slowing, the urge starts building…checking on Facebook….see the little symbol on the left side of the page….hit it!

Thinking there are only so many “lifes” and when they are gone, I’ll get back to work, up pops the grim reaper!  Only this time he’s in a very good mood and grants me a whole bank of lifes!

So on and on I go, by now I’m getting competitive and must move up from 7th place!  Watching my friends and climbing right over them, I manage to get to 3rd place…in line for a bronze medal!

Dinner is over, I’m still at it!  Bedtime comes, me, the laptop and the dog have become bed buddies!  It’s late, my eyes hurt, it’s got to stop!  I’m out of “lifes” but so close to hitting a new level, and when I do, all my “lifes” are restored and it starts all over again!

Zuma!  You are in control!

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