Don’t Make Me Look


Don’t make me look in the mirror and see what time has done to my once beautiful skin.  Tell me where did all of these valleys called wrinkles come from, along with spots that won’t vanish?  When did peach fuzz turn into whiskers?  I can’t believe this is happening to ME!  I spent all that money on the best treatments, the best moisturizers, the best makeup, and it didn’t work.  Mother Nature is a vindictive bitch!

She has to be the fairest of them all.  She has the everlasting body with no sags or bags and fat rolls.  I once tried hard to befriend her and keep her on my side.  I exercised, I ate right, I took vitamins and supplements every day.  I worked hard and followed all the rules.   She didn’t care, she let me be like her for a little while, long enough to get comfortable in my skin, and then BOOM, she took it all away.

it seemed to happen overnight.   Sure there were a few gray hairs here and there, but the blonde in a bottle covered it well so it was really no big deal.  Now I feel my once thick hair and wonder when did it all get so thin and brittle and gray?  When did this happen?  Did I sleep too well one night and she just snatched it from me?

Look these hands, skin all loose and nails not polished.  Have I deliberately let myself go?  For some reason, one day I looked in the mirror and I was an old lady!  Ok, so I have a 38 year old daughter who, just a few short years ago, everyone thought was my sister, and I am a grandmother twice over, but I didn’t think I was an old lady!

I am not aging gracefully, I am fighting it every step of the way in my mind, but my body is my reality and shows my mind how unrealistic it is!  Now I know why all the country club women have tight faces and a perpetual smile, it’s the face that money can buy.  Somehow they paid off Mother Nature and she gave them a few more years in return. Maybe someday I will be comfortable with aging, someday be comfortable in this crappy body.

New beginnings, a new day, a new body, and a new outlook on the life I have been blessed with.  Those are the words I choose to contemplate.  Count your blessings, count them one by one, and be thankful, for this is the day the Lord has made and He made it just for me!

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